Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Texture And The Mold Release Coating

If at the end of the diamond press has a problem, the explosion finishes can be answered, especially when the parties to a merger with a textured material such as silicone, flexible PVC, TPE, polypropylene, and some soft. These products are generally linked to finish, but, breaking the surface of a light jet cleaning to improve the publication. Add a layer of publication Nicklon and get even better.

We see today a lot of textured surfaces, including faux leather for car dashboards, Woodgrain, geometric patterns, and stipple patterns found on pagers, cell phones and computer components. Gold coating of the mold is often critical to achieve a textured surface with sufficient smoothness.

Textured surfaces required protection. The peaks of the textured surfaces are the primary retail zones mold to experience wear, which makes it very important to periodically check the mold with a profilometer to measure the depth of the grain and has advanced. Plaster mold to help reduce the frequency of repairs and modifications by maintaining the integrity of the structured surface.

Hard chrome and electroless nickel plating to protect the surface of less structured, so as not NiHard, our most recent nickel-cobalt coating. Unlike hard chrome, nickel-cobalt NiHard food evenly, which is very detailed and deep ribs boss dies. It combines the corrosion and lubricate as well as the strength of nickel with cobalt.

Proven High-Tech Coatings

Before examining some of the newer, high-tech coatings, it is useful to recall that the old, reliable coatings like hard chrome or nickel plating may be the way forward. One advantage of hard chrome is that it has a hardness of 72 Rockwell C (RC) and applied at low temperature of 130 F. When used in its purest form, it gives you finish your SPI tool.

Hard chrome plating is often a good choice for electrical switch dies because they use materials that contain no less than 40% of the glass. It can be used to combat erosion and to avoid extremely destructive to the door and the surrounding areas of mold, usually we recommend high gloss diamond-hard chromium plating is 0.0003 - inch 0005

The disadvantage can be profitable because the chromium is limited to areas accessible via an anode. If your pan has complex details, that may require a second corresponding anode that adds time and cost of the project. Another possible disadvantage is the impact of chromium on the environment, chromium is carcinogenic. Some companies try to develop better, "cleaner" alternatives, but so far we are not aware of anything that matches the benefits of hard chromium from a perspective of the tool.

Just as hard chrome, electroless nickel has been used successfully for years, especially to protect the mussels, where corrosive gas evolution is made of materials such as PVC and halogenated flame retardants. It is not unusual to see such a resin to produce a rust orange, corrode the unprotected form almost right before your eyes. Products oath mold materials for the electronics industry or medical often cannot tolerate the presence of oxidation byproducts.

Preventive Maintenance Of Plaster Molds

Once you invest in a layer of mold to improve the performance of the tool and a preventive maintenance program is always a good idea for you to get maximum benefit. No coating lasts forever, and do not want to waste time and money by producing lower quality parts of a mold with a layer to use. The key is to educate your staff on how to control the mold during production. Learn to say when the coating shows deterioration, particularly in the area of ​​objects such as doors and corridors.

One of the most important aspects of a prevention program is taking to keep the mold before the coating wears away. Missing signs of significant wear will result in more costly repairs and the cost of additional polishing. A coating of hard chrome, for example, is about 20 points RC harder than steel base, steel exposed to wear much faster than the coated surfaces around them, causing deeper holes that require more in-depth repairs.

Thickness gauge is the best way to tell if the cover is wearing through. When the mold reaches the first time in our own factory, it takes time to measure the thickness of the surface, especially in high-wear areas, this special tool. When you run a production mold, sometimes it breaks again to measure these areas. Once you have decided that the finish is wearing a critical level, remove the mold and send it for maintenance.

Establish a part of counting is another effective way to determine maintenance needs with projects such as high-volume molding. From the first time you run the mold to maintain an exact number of pieces until you are ready for maintenance work first. Using what counts as an indicator that the maintenance is next.

Know Your Finishing Mold

When it comes to lubricity and mold release characteristics of finish is taken into account, as well as the opportunity to use the coating. Some finishes mold can increase the need for coating the mold.

There are four standard SPI finishes: diamond, stone, paper and Blast. Each casting surface gives a different look, from a shiny mirror-like surface (A-1 diamond) in a fairly rough, grainy texture (sand blasting with glass beads or aluminum oxide) . All four finished three grades as well.

The A-1 Diamond finish is the most perfect finish available, which means it has the lowest average roughness or the value of PR. There are no high or low peaks. For example, a scrap paper to steel gives an RA 2-4, while a diamond A-1 is the objective of fine quality, usually a PR or less. Roughness is almost incalculable.

But such a perfect finesse can be harmful in many molding applications because a number of plastics tend to stick like glue to the flawless mirror finish. Molded polystyrene on a polished wall on the right baseline with 1 or less resistance is one example. Streak lines or drawing can be displayed on the individual parts. This can be solved by the kernel flash plating, creating a surface with micro-cracks. Sealing cracks with PTFE and then re A-1 diamond finish solves the problem in more than 95% of cases.

Molding thin-walled container adds another dimension to the use of a diamond finish. Erosion of sour cream, cheese and yogurt container cottage find their products more attractive to the customer if they have a slight sheen. For this purpose, these parts require a high-gloss polished diamond with a little out of control so that the show will be brilliant. This adjustment also allows much more complete liberation of parts.

In applications molding thin-wall like this, a glossy ball explosion applied-just enough to very few interruptions perfect A-2 surface of diamond. The surface is polished again, so only a few bumps almost invisible. This finish with a coating of nickel-PTFE Nicklon will greatly improve free up some and improve mold filling.

Phenolic compounds and other thermoset almost need a perfect polish and work exceptionally well with a diamond finish. Combine that with a hard coating, protection such as chromium or chromium-diamond, and you will strengthen the mold surface and to optimize the release. Again, using a PTFE current minimal beneficial because it will not last long. Usually it's just not worth it, in our opinion. The successful use of straight PTFE depends on the presence of a grain in the mold quite ready to continue to be covered. Since the thermosetting molding requires a perfect finish of the tool, the PTFE itself has limited adhesion to the surface, and thus will fail relatively quickly.